
Daily local delivery to Loveland, Fort Collins, Windsor, Johnstown, Berthoud and Timnath

Dozen Roses and Stargazer Lilies Vase Arrangement - Pick Your Color

Dozen Roses and Stargazer Lilies Vase Arrangement - Pick Your Color


Explore the beauty of 1 dozen red roses and stargazer lilies at Earle's Flowers, your local Loveland flower shop. Same-day delivery available.

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One dozen, premium, fresh-cut, red roses arranged with locally grown stargazer lilies. This arrangement is romantic with a little extra flare!



Orders must be received by 1 pm for same day delivery  


AVAILABLE for local delivery to  in Loveland, Fort Collins, Windsor, Johnstown, Berthoud and Campion ONLY.  


We offer DAILY deliveries to the Medical Center of the Rockies, Northern Colorado Rehab Center, McKee Hospital, Poudre Valley Hospital, Banner Fort Collins and other local facilities.




As your local Loveland, Colorado florist we are excited to bring custom designs for any occasion. We take pride in our unique and fun arrangements, while offering the best quality of fresh and local grown flowers. Earle's Loveland Floral and Gifts is proud to bring you gifts from all of the most unique brands and even ones made here in the USA! Order your fresh flower arrangements and add a gift to your fresh flower delivery. The Girls at Earle's take pride in helping you give the best gifts and finest fresh flower arrangements for all occasions! Not sure what to send? Want to create a custom arrangement? Call us or stop in the shop and let us show you around!  


*Florist reserves the right to substitute flowers of a similar color and style based on quality received daily from vendors.*

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  • 5

    Brian | Feb 9th 2021

    Anniversary Flowers

    Wife loved them, still talking about them!

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